Corn Husks and Acorn Caps Sunflower Wreath

Corn Husks and Acorn Caps Sunflower Wreath

I've seen some wreaths on Pinterest constructed out of corn husks and pine cones.  They are so cute and resemble one of my favorite flowers, sunflowers.

Today after returning home from babysitting my grandchildren for a few days, I was itching to make something. I remembered I had dried corn husks from the summer and thought about the sunflower door decoration.  I didn't have any pine cones but I did have a small collection of acorn caps.  As usual, I'm always trying to make decor out of things I've collected from nature, and re-purposing is always top on the list.  I was not going to buy a wreath form so I made one.

All you need for this quick and free wreath project:

Glue gun
Glue sticks
Clean dry food trays
(or a wreath form)
Corn husks
Acorn caps

The first thing I did was cut two circles  about 8" in diameter out of  two large food trays. I save the trays whenever I get them because I use them  as paint palettes and for sorting my shell collections and all kinds of other artsy craftsy stuff.  I glued the circles together with my glue gun.

I then began hot gluing the corn husks around the perimeter of the circles.  It took a grand total of maybe fifteen minutes.

Next, I glued the acorn caps top side up all over the yellow foam center of my sunflower.  After they were done, I glued some other caps upside down on top of the first row. I need more acorn caps so when I take the love of my life PeeWee The Wonder Dog  for a walk later, I'll collect some more and glue them on when I return home.  I glued more corn husks to fill in around the caps, sprayed the entire thing with some Minwax clear polycrylic  and glued a piece of jute on the back so I could hang it on my door.  Easy Peasy.  I'm happy with it.  I hope you like it too!  And I especially like that it didn't cost anything but two glue sticks and one blister on my finger  :D   Happy Fall!


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